1 DEC 2018 at 11.59PM (GMT+8)
Face Reading Academy 2018
Master The Art Of Influence
Click here to watch now
The Canvas of Destiny
You could be the smartest, most hardworking and talented person in the room. Yet, if you fail at people matters, you’re not going to be crossing the finishing line first. The final episode is about how you can win this freedom back and how to win with people using the Chinese Art of Face Reading.
  •  10 Core Face Reading Academy Modules
  •  6 x Weekly Coaching Calls
  •  The Art of Face Reading Online Series
  •  Tickets to the 3-Day live event
  •  30 Important Face Reading Case Studies
Choose Your Enrollment Options

(Save $163)


(Save $643)

A message from Joey
I realize some of you may feel that you’re too busy and that Face Reading is a skill that you can delay learning or you cannot afford right now.

But the real question is ‘What will your life be like if you DON’T continue down this path?’ Are you okay waking up every day feeling caught up with life, being too busy to even spend time on the most important aspects of your life – your relationships with people?

As you look forward 1 year, 5 years or even 10 years down the line, do you want to settle for knowing that you’ve missed out on the golden moments with someone close to you, someone who could’ve mentored you or someone you could’ve helped?

You deserve more than that. And I have created the path to ensure that you get just that. 

But imagine if you had the tools that would change the trajectory of these important relationships. And you could start making an impact, not a year, not 6 months from now but right away. What kind of impact would this be in your life?

Thank you for following my 4-part training series. I hope to see you at the next level.

Warmest regards,
Why you should go for
If You're ALL IN and Want The Ultimate Face Reading Program
Featuring The Face Reading Canvas
There are two options when you decide to go to the next level. The basic covers the essentials and is designed as a no-nonsense, ‘plug and play’ program with situational reading techniques. The Advanced Tier on the other hand covers a much larger scale, including the complete spectrum of Face Reading Classics, Technicalities and Secret Verses.

The full details of the Advanced Tier can be found in this video. Remember to watch it. 
With The People In Your Life
100% of your relationships are with people
100% of your customers, employees or bosses are people
100% of the help, love and attention you receive are from other people
If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business.
If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand life. 

An Starken, Belgium

I like Joey’s teaching style because he’s very practical, he gives shortcuts. I love his style, he’s very straightforward, he’s the best in the field that i know.

Nugzar Dzodzuashvili, USA

He makes very complex subjects very easy to understand and more importantly, easily applicable. Therefore, it makes it very efficient from 0-level to the very highly advanced practitioner level.

Issy Pluta, Germany

Practical, funny, with a lot of humour, and very human. I think he’s a very very human in his kind of teaching and very easy to understand
  •  Find out how someone thinks, feels and believes before they even say a word to you
  •  Discover the key in identifying career traits, potential and capabilities in a person
  •  Understand how to unveil the true intentions and motives of people in the business world
  •   And much, much more...

Jeff Ang, Philippines

Joey’s teaching style is very interesting. Simply because he’s able to communicate with you directly the data that you need. So, it’s very easy to understand, the keyword, it’s very easy to understand him. I absorb everything.
Once the modules are released, you can personalize the learning experience and pace it to your personal preference. You don’t have to follow the rest of the class. Stick to the release schedule or binge watch it like Netflix, it’s your choice. 

No more cancelling that holiday or work trip you’ve got planned just to make it to your lessons. You can pick up where you left off, take notes and most importantly, have the freedom to decide on your own learning pace.
The Face Reading Academy™ program is delivered in a modular format. You can follow the steps or jump to sections that matter to you most. It’s designed to be completely accessible from ANY DEVICE that has an internet connection.

You can watch it during your lunch breaks, commutes to work, at the gym or even in the comfort of your bed. iPhones, iPads or laptops are popular options. But I know of some who access them from their smart TVs too.

The knowledge and learning materials are yours to keep for a lifetime. You can watch or re-watch them at any time once the modules are released.

Like reading a book or watching a movie, you’ll always discover new things or perspectives when you do it the second time. Watching the modules again is a proven path towards mastering the subject. Plus, if this program is not in your first language, just hit the pause or rewind button to suit your own pace.
Stop. Pause. Play.
Once the modules are released, you can personalize the learning experience and pace it to your personal preference. You don’t have to follow the rest of the class. Stick to the release schedule or binge watch it like Netflix, it’s your choice. 

No more cancelling that holiday or work trip you’ve got planned just to make it to your lessons. You can pick up where you left off, take notes and most importantly, have the freedom to decide on your own learning pace.
Access From Any Device, At Any Time
The Face Reading Academy program is delivered in a modular format. You can follow the steps or jump to sections that matter to you most. It’s designed to be completely accessible from ANY DEVICE that has an internet connection.

You can watch it during your lunch breaks, commutes to work, at the gym or even in the comfort of your bed. iPhones, iPads or laptops are popular options. But I know of some who access them from their smart TVs too.

Repeat As Many Times As You Like
The knowledge and learning materials are yours to keep for a lifetime. You can watch or re-watch them at any time once the modules are released.

Like reading a book or watching a movie, you’ll always discover new things or perspectives when you do it the second time. Watching the modules again is a proven path towards mastering the subject. Plus, if this program is not in your first language, just hit the pause or rewind button to suit your own pace.
Something you will use EVERY DAY, For the Rest of Your Life 

Great leaders and successful individuals know that mastery of understanding and influencing people equals power. They know that these connections with other people is critical to one’s success in both your personal and professional life.  

But we live in a fast-paced world of competitive workplaces and turbulent economic conditions. And people often do not readily and comfortably reveal who they really are. 

The Chinese Art of Face Reading is an easy method that allows you to magnify your perception skill and ‘gut feel’ of people. It’s a tool that you can use to read the unspoken and underlying motives when dealing with others. 
  •  Go after the job or the relationship you want – and get it!
  •  Take your business or profession – and massively improve it!
  •  Take any situation and make it work for you! Every day, for the rest of your life.
As featured on
Pick A Plan That Best Suits You. The Important Thing Is To Take Action & Start Today.
Registration Closes In A Few Days.
There are two options when you decide to go to the next level. The basic covers the essentials and is designed as a no-nonsense, ‘plug and play’ program with situational reading techniques. The Advanced Tier on the other hand covers a much larger scale, including complete spectrum of Face Reading Classics, Technicalities and Secret Verses.
1 Payment of $497
*All prices are quoted in U.S. Dollars.
or select an option below:
3 Payments of $182
6 Payments of $100
12 Payments of $55
Core Module 1
Like A Boss
Business & Career

Core Module 2
WTF Socialite
Winning More Friends

Core Module 3
Charisma Factory

Core Module 4
Wham, Bham, Shazam!
Career & Noblemen

Core Module 5
The World's Greatest Salesman
Win More Sales, Contracts & Deals

Core Module 6
Is There A Doctor In The House?

Core Module 7
It's All About The Money
Wealth, Investments & Money Matters

Core Module 8
Sex, Lies & Soulmates
Romance & Relationships

Core Module 9
In The Face of Danger
Serial Killers, Rapists & Abusive People

Core Module 10
It Runs In The Family

Get All Your Questions Answered
6-Weeks Coaching Calls
worth USD 1,200
30 Important Face Reading Case Studies
eBooks downloads that will be released in 3 parts...
Upper, Middle and Bottom scrolls
worth USD 1,200
The Art of Chinese Face Reading Online Series
6 Online Workshop Access
worth USD 2,000
Two (2) Gold Ticket
3-Day live event 15-17 February 2019 that will
prepare you for the whole of the Earth Pig year
worth USD 4,000
Watch this video first if you are planning to advance your skills.
1 Payment of $1,997
*All prices are quoted in U.S. Dollars.
or select an option below:
3 Payments of $730
6 Payments of $400
12 Payments of $220
The ADVANCED TIER Package Includes:
All 10 Core Modules 
From The Basic Package

Plus The Following:

Focus Points

Advanced Module 11
The 100 Year Map
100 Age Points

Advanced Module 12
Cosmic Architecture
12 Palaces


Advanced Module 13
Status, Power & Money
Forehead, Nose & Cheekbones

Advanced Module 14
A Life Less Ordinary
Chin, Jaws & Laughter Lines

Advanced Module 15
The Mark of Change
Moles, Veins & Wrinkles


Advanced Module 16
Elements of Life
Head Shapes, Hair & Facial Hair

Advanced Module 17
Windows To The Soul
Eyes, Eyebrows & Ears

Advanced Module 18
Mouth, Teeth & Philtrum


Advanced Tier Module 19
Secret Verses
The Secret of Face Reading

Get All Your Questions Answered
6-Weeks Coaching Calls
worth USD 1,200
30 Important Face Reading Case Studies
eBooks downloads that will be released in 3 parts...
Upper, Middle and Bottom scrolls
worth USD 1,200
The Art of Chinese Face Reading Online Series
6 Online Workshop Access
worth USD 2,000
Two (2) Platinum Ticket
3-Day live event 15-17 February 2019 that will
prepare you for the whole of the Earth Pig year
worth USD 8,000
Two (2) Platinum Tickets
A day for deep dive into
Face Reading Mastery on 14 February 2019
worth USD 4,000
The ADVANCED TIER is worth more than $16,400.
Watch this video.
Want More Details?
Profoundly Change Your Life With The 10 Core Modules
The Sphere of Influence Model spans across 10 Core Modules.
It’s available in both BASIC and ADVANCED TIER programs. 
Core Module 1
Like A Boss
Business & Career
How do you apply Face Reading at work and in business? In particular, we look at the most important person you will come across at the workplace. What kind of boss are you or what kind of boss do you have? Becoming a better boss who is truly effective or learning to manage your boss can make or break your career. 
Core Module 2
WTF Socialite
Winning More Friends
Proximity equals power. This module is about expanding your social influence and winning more friends. Who you consciously decide to let in, or let out in your life directly impacts the quality of your life. Make better friends, better associations and most important, become that better friend for someone else by understanding the traits of a person. 
Core Module 3
Charisma Factory
Are you a dreamer or a doer? Are you logical or emotionally centered? There is no such thing as a flawless personality. The focus of using Face Reading is so that your positive traits and personality are given the spotlight. Your personal influence is the currency of your charisma. Through understanding of the self, the goal of this module is to create your ‘It’ factor and make it impossible for anyone to ignore you. 
Core Module 4
Wham, Bham, Shazam!
Career & Noblemen
This is the coolest module and that’s why it has the coolest name. This module is about leverage. Not all connections with people are equal and some are going to be especially helpful to you. On the other hand, there are also people that will suck the life out of you. We’re going to be using Face Reading to identify noble people and even managing difficult ones too. 
Core Module 5
The World's Greatest Salesman
Win More Sales, Contracts & Deals
There are 4 types of buyers in this world; competitive, methodical, spontaneous and humanistic. To excel in sales, and by that we mean even if you need to just ‘sell an idea’ to someone, you first need to understand what kind of buyer that person is. Face Reading allows you to do just that and for you to customize a heightened buying experience. This module is about winning more sales, contracts and deals. 
Core Module 6
Is There A Doctor in The House?
Face Reading was originally designed as a tool to facilitate traditional Chinese doctors. This module will teach you how to analyze facial features to detect potential health problems. It’s an essential tool that is handy in any household, and especially useful if you are in any fields of healing, medicine or treatment. 
Core Module 7
It's All About The Money
Wealth, Investments & Money Matters
Am I good with money? What’s my relationship with money? What’s my capacity for wealth? What are the best ways for me in making money? We’re going to be diving deep into this subject in this Face Reading topic. The module will cover features found in the Wealth Palaces of the face and how you can interpret them and to create more wealth in your life.
Core Module 8
Sex, Lies &
Romance & Relationships
This module is all about romantic relationships in your life. Want to know if your potential suitor is a faithful person? Want to know if he or she is a good husband or wife? Want to know the kind of marriage you’re likely to have? More importantly, how do you chart a better course for an improved, more intimate and more intellectual relationship when you do detect potential problems from reading the face? 
Core Module 9
In The Face Of Danger
Serial Killers, Rapists & Abusive People
The world is a dangerous place. There are dangerous people who have done unspeakable acts. In The Face of Danger is a module dedicated to the study of common facial features found in these people. We will examine closer the common facial traits of abusive people, rapists or even murderers? It’s ‘self-defense’ when you can recognize potentially dangerous people and consciously stay away from harm’s way. 
Core Module 10
It Runs In The Family
The final module is about family. Having a harmonious home or family is invaluable and irreplaceable. Use face reading to understand and influence those that are closest to you. We will also take a deep dive into understanding family dynamics and the roles we each play within a family. We also take a closer look at problems family members may have, including identifying if someone is suffering silently from depression.
9 Advanced Topics. Infinite Experience.
The ADVANCED TIER is a proven path designed to give you clarity and the tools to apply Face Reading in any situation and make it work. Going for Advanced Tier means you’ll also have access to everything in the BASIC TIER including the 10 Core Modules and all the bonuses, plus the 9 Advanced Tier Modules and some must-have bonuses.

The modules have been carefully constructed to give a much deeper understanding of this art allowing you to incorporate face reading into any aspect of your business, relationships or life. To truly master the art of Face Reading, one must master the fundamentals itself using The Face Reading Canvas.

The Advanced Tier program spans across 4 main pillars of the Face Reading Canvas. Each pillar can dynamically change the reading of these features and gives you a complete picture when approaching this subject. This year, as a very special bonus, we’re including tickets to Thrive 2019 held in Singapore and an Advanced Tier Only Face Reading Academy LIVE event. 

Advanced Module 1
100 Age Points
The 100 Year map forms the backbone of the Chinese Art of Face Reading. But most people make the mistake of reading it as just the 100 years of age of a person. Depending on the features that are being read, the 100 year map when cross examined with Mantles or Extensions, plays a vital role in determining the qualities and experiences of a person. Most of the time, it will derive totally different readings when you factor in the other pillars from the Face Reading Canvas.
Advanced Module 2
12 Palaces
This module is a deep dive on the 12 Palaces on the Face. These palaces span across 12 different aspects of our lives and is shared in other forms of Chinese metaphysics studies such as BaZi and Feng Shui. By understanding the 12 Palaces of the Face, you not only can pinpoint your readings with accuracy but also study the relational meanings between the features found in those palaces. 
Advanced Module 3
Forehead, Nose & Cheekbones
Perhaps the #1 thing on most people’s minds when taking up the study of Face Reading is to do with either the status, power or money that is written on their faces or the faces of someone they know. Beyond just status, power and money, we’ll also examine the features and palaces where wealth and authority can be studied. 
Advanced Module 4
Chins, Jaws & Laughter Lines
Generally, when you chance upon Face Reading, people usually talk about the main features such as the eyes, mouth and nose. But what about the lesser known parts of the face? The Chin, Jawline and Laughter lines are equally important, as they form the structure of how the main features are read. 

Although these parts are often overlooked, they play a very important role in Face Reading, as it affects the capacity of the other palaces of the face. In this module, we uncover what these features mean. 
Advanced Module 5
Moles, Veins & Wrinkles
This is one of the most interesting modules in the Advanced Tier. We’ll be inspecting moles, veins and wrinkles and what they tell us if found on certain parts of the face. Where and when do they appear, all have an effect on what they mean. These marks are marks of changes to a person’s journey in life. These marks also have the potential to alter the readings of the 12 palaces and 5 officers of the face. 
Advanced Module 6
Head Shapes, Hair & Facial Hair
As we move along the road map into the Extensions pillar, we’re going to deep dive into head shapes, hair as well as facial hair for Face Reading. Head shapes are an important component in Face Reading because they are the foundations of your readings and may completely change the reading of any feature including the 12 palaces and 5 officers. 
Advanced Module 7
Eyes, Eyebrows & Ears
Humans are complex because we are emotional beings. We have the capacity for compassion, kindness and love. As we move deeper into the subject of Face Reading, we look at how Face Reading is used to understand a person from an emotional level. This module is about opening a window and peering into the soul of a person by studying what I call, the ‘Iron Triangle’. 
Advanced Module 8
Mouth, Teeth & Philtrum
In Face Reading, we can divide a person’s life into 4 different phases. From early childhood, to youth, and from adulthood to old-age. Legacy is about discovering the lower part of the face including the mouth, teeth and the philtrum. We’ll be looking at how these features overlap or are relate to one another. In its entirety, you’ll discover the fulfillment, joy and happiness of a person through the study of one’s legacy.
Advanced Module 9
The Secret of Face Reading
The final module of the Advanced Tier is not just our favorite, but perhaps one that is most important. It ties all the knowledge available and forms the principles that will enable to you to read faces in an instant. The secret verses are also known as the "Secret Songs of Face Reading" in the ancient classics that have been passed down generations.
Registrations are now open but will be closed on 1st December 2018.
The once-a-year intake is now officially open for 2018 and will close at midnight on 1st December 2018 (that's GMT+8 Kuala Lumpur time). Classes will begin immediately on 12:30AM, 2nd December 2018 (Saturday). The 2018 intake also showcases a string of masterfully-crafted bonuses (some of which are limited) exclusive only to this intake.
Time Left Till Registration Closes:
Scroll to learn more.
Get All Your Questions Answered!

Now, over and on top of the 12 Core Modules and tickets to my live event, I’m going to add in something that will make sure you get the most out of this program. Bonus #1 is about getting your questions answered. We’ll conduct 6 Group Coaching Calls for you.

You can login online and participate live or you can watch the replays a few after.  These sessions are designed to provide a platform for revision and clarification.  Each session lasts between 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the questions that are being submitted. 

What I like most about this is that it keeps you accountable as well.  Having to log in means you’re likely going to have to make yourself watch the core modules because that’s what we’re going to be talking about. 

It’ll give yourselves that little push that we ALL sometimes need.  And last but not least, if you’re an introvert like me… You can at least check out for yourself and see what people are asking about. The value of these coaching sessions alone are $1,200 dollars.
The Art of Face Reading Workshop Series

Face Reading is a very vast topic. It’s so vast because it can be applied to almost ANY situation in life. Led by the JY Team of consultants, this workshop series covers topics that are more peculiar and uncommon to conventional Face Reading. For instance, standalone topics such as facial reconstruction, plastic surgery or even case studies of famous people will be covered in the 6 sessions.
Scroll further to get more.
30 Important Face Reading Case Studies
I’ve also given serious thought about those of you who value convenience over anything else. I know it can sometimes be hard between juggling work, kids or other personal affairs.  

And let’s face it, studying can be a drag especially if you’re an adult right now.  That’s why Bonus #3 is about making learning fun and as convenient as possible.  I’ve designed it in such a way that even if you FORGET everything that was covered in the core lessons, you can use this IMMEDIATELY and still benefit from it.

I call it the 30 Important Face Reading Case Studies. There are 30 in total they are worth over USD 1,200 dollars.  It’ll be released in 3 parts over the course of your study. It’s like a cheat sheet and definitely going to be a lot of fun.
15 - 17 February 2019
THRIVE 2019 is our signature annual event attended by thousands from around the world. It’s a 3-Day event that covers Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia applications, tailored personally to you for 2019. This year, Thrive will feature a new syllabus that includes Face Reading for 2019. This is a ‘must-have’ especially for Face Reading Academy owners. 

If you’ve been to our live events, you’ll know that a seat in one of those events will cost you anywhere from $5000 or above. You’ll not only meet Joey, but you’ll be able to access the coaches and consultants from the Joey Yap team as well as other like-minded individuals each on their pursuit for more Chinese metaphysics knowledge. 

Your BASIC Face Reading Academy program will come with ONE priority ticket to THRIVE 2019 held in Singapore. And if you’re one of the first 100, you automatically get an EXTRA ticket for a guest. That will be a total of TWO priority tickets to this event. 
Here’s where it gets really special. If you select the ADVANCED TIER Face Reading Academy program, 2 things will happen. First, both your priority tickets will automatically be upgraded to Platinum seats. This means you get to access the hall earlier and other VIP areas. Second, you get access to a SECRET EVENT called Face Reading Mastery LIVE. This is a FULL-DAY event held before THRIVE 2019.

The ticket(s) admits the ticket holder entry to Thrive 2019 and/or Face Reading Mastery LIVE. The events are held in Singapore on 14 February 2019 (Face Reading Mastery LIVE) and 15 - 17 February 2019 (Thrive 2019). The ticket(s) is only valid for the said event on the said date. In the event if you are unable to attend for any reason, no replacement of ticket(s) will be given and no recordings will be made available for these events. You may nominate a guest to attend on your behalf instead. The details of the events will be announced via email to students only after enrolment closes. Ticket(s) is provided as a BONUS and is strictly non-cashable and non-exchangeable. *Terms and Conditions apply.
Make work fun again and skyrocket your business or career

If you’re in an industry that requires meeting with people, Face Reading will be an essential tool. Win more clients, understand your co-workers better, manage difficult people, and much, much more. Gain an edge in business and over your peers just by being able to size up the person sitting on the opposite side of the table. 
Understand people even without the need to speak to them

When social gatherings and networking events aren’t really your thing, yet there is a need for you to make an impression on someone. What better way than to read, understand and get to know someone even without the need to speak to them.
Especially if you're a parent, teacher or coach

Someone close could be silently suffering from self-depression or struggling with self-doubt. Conventional ways of reaching out and connecting deeply isn’t working. You want to learn Face Reading to understand what motivates, influences and captivates someone in order to help them. 
Read someone like an open book

Let’s just say you’re one who realizes that mastering human relations is the same as mastering life. You know that the power of understanding human behavior holds the keys to all the riches in this world. And we’re just not talking about monetary or materialistic riches. Although as a result, these gains are usually realized. We’re talking about fulfillment, joy and true happiness. About a critical skill that entrepreneurs, employers and basically everyone seeks so profoundly.

Make work fun again and skyrocket your business or career
If you’re in an industry that requires meeting with people, Face Reading will be an essential tool. Win more clients, understand your co-workers better, manage difficult people, and much, much more. Gain an edge in business and over your peers just by being able to size up the person sitting on the opposite side of the table. 

Understand people even without the need to speak to them
When social gatherings and networking events aren’t really your thing, yet there is a need for you to make an impression on someone. What better way than to read, understand and get to know someone even without the need to speak to them.

Especially if you're a parent, teacher or coach
Someone close could be silently suffering from self-depression or struggling with self-doubt. Conventional ways of reaching out and connecting deeply isn’t working. You want to learn Face Reading to understand what motivates, influences and captivates someone in order to help them. 

Read someone like an open book
Let’s just say you’re one who realizes that mastering human relations is the same as mastering life. You know that the power of understanding human behavior holds the keys to all the riches in this world. And we’re just not talking about monetary or materialistic riches. Although as a result, these gains are usually realized. We’re talking about fulfilment, joy and true happiness. About a critical skill that entrepreneurs, employers and basically everyone seeks so profoundly.
Deadline: Registration Closes at 11:59 pm (GMT+8) on 1st December 2018
The next enrollment opportunity will only be opened 12 - 15 months from now. 
Transformational stories that you've never heard of
First Impression Matters
Lois Alog, Philippines
I Don’t Know Chinese
Mitra Chen, Malaysia
How I Got More Sales?
Carl Choong, Malaysia
As featured on
Master the art of engagement when you can accurately predict how people think and their emotions. 

The people we consciously or subconsciously decide to let in, or let out of our lives have a direct impact on the quality of our lives. Here are some of the questions we are constantly asking ourselves and what Face Reading can provide answers to. 

Face Reading is much more than just fortune telling. Your Face reveals your character, your potential and the best possible version of your future. The most attractive and likable version of you is the happy, successful and healthy version of you. 

Dao Duy Thien Tam, Vietnam

Mian Xiang is less technical and very practical. So if you don’t know anything about Metaphysics, its very good for start-ups so i really highly recommend to take Mian Xiang.

Sharon Chan, Malaysia

I think the key takeaway is something very practical. I think face reading has become so handy that i can use it in any business setting, whether it’s in discussions, negotiations, meetings, social settings, meeting a new person and i think the best part is when you want to hire someone.

Alexandru Stanciu, Romania

Mian Xiang is very practical because when you apply it in a relationship in business, it helps you get the truth only by looking at their face. My perception of Face Reading is that it gives you the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
That's roughly 10 cups of coffee!
If you decide to take up our offer, select the package (BASIC or ADVANCED TIER) that best suits you and one of the various payment plans that you’re most comfortable with. Even if you are busy, the important thing is that you don’t miss the intake dates to get access to the program immediately.
Need more payment options?
💳 Credit cards not working?

🤔 Can't find a suitable plan?

💵 Want to pay via PayPal or at our offices?

Email winning@joeyyapacademy.com or click the button below:
A Holistic Approach For All Types Of Learners
Other than training videos, the online modules will also come with downloadable and printable notes. Some will come with quizzes, exercises or even assignments. In the Face Reading Academy 2018 program, you’ll also receive bonuses that have LIVE elements where you can interact with the coaches and other students. That’s not all, you’ll also receive priority tickets to the Face Reading Academy LIVE event – the pinnacle of the program.

Bernard Keith, Malaysia

After learning from Dato’ Joey Yap i think expanded my views and gained a lot of interesting insights. New perspectives, i would say. He is pragmatic, practical and i like it, straight to the point. He doesn’t like to beat around the bushes. It works. But of course you need to put in effort.

Tracie Chan, Malaysia

He’s really good you know he gives a lot of information, he’s a really good motivational speaker that really inspires people, someone that i really respect. Try it yourself and experience it.

Beth Grace, USA

I’ve seen it to be very true. Really, you can sort of size up some basic things about someone just by the few Face Reading things I did know. It’s a really practical skill. I know some people approach it with fear, afraid that everyone can figure out everything about them, but it’s a really wonderful skill to have especially when you work in an industry where you’re working with people. It’s a truly great tool to know the people around you better. Very useful.
Except For This One
Face Reading Academy 2018 is about creating a better life for you. It’s an investment in yourself, the people whom you care about and the work that you do. In fact, here’s how it’s impossible for you to lose.

There are TWO scenarios that can happen to you:

1. You follow the steps and put the Face Reading Academy to good use. You see massive results and huge positive changes. In that case, I don’t need to tell you the value of what you’re getting in return.

2. The second scenario is…. You don’t do anything at all. Or something more important comes along, and you get distracted. Or if you find that this is NOT your thing.
 That’s okay, it happens despite all good intentions. And it’s totally fine. Just send us an email, and we’ll return your money. No fuss, no harm and most important of all, no hard feelings.
It’s Not Only Easy But It’s Immediately Useable 
Face Reading is the easiest to learn amongst all forms of Chinese Metaphysics. There are no pre-requisites and you don’t need to be able to read any Chinese characters. The best part about Face Reading and the program is that you can apply it immediately on anyone after any module. There is no need to complete the entire program before taking it out in the real world. 

Both the BASIC and ADVANCED TIER are modular syllabuses and designed as a step-by-step plan. The programs also come with technical and educational support systems built in by way of group coaching calls. You’ll also be aided by the downloadable materials that are supplementary to your video trainings. 

Alexandru Stanciu, Romania

I would recommend Chinese Metaphysics with all my structures because I have been doing it for 5 years and everything in my life has changed and it has improved. It’s only a perception, once you get started to learn, you’ll see the differences that it can bring you to your life and how many benefits you can have.
Follow Along or Create Your Own Path

Busy with work all the time? Got a vacation planned? Unsure or uncertain about how your schedule will look like in the next few months? 

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. 

The Face Reading Academy was designed for busy people. Modules are released on a weekly basis spanning across 2-3 months. The modular system also ensures that it can easily be integrated to your lifestyle. The syllabus design also means missing a few classes and then coming back is not a problem. You can watch it at any time and after it’s released, you will have a lifetime access to it. 
3 Things To Consider For Better Perspective
The total value of the bonuses stands at $8,400 for our Basic and up to $16,400 for the Advanced Tier. If you take the flex-payment option, you can get all these starting from just $55 dollars for 12 months. You’ll not find a similar offer anywhere else in our academy. Lastly, you risk nothing because you really have 30-days to check it out before making a final decision. 

There are multiple easy payment plans to suit your needs and it starts from just $55 for the Basic or $220 for the Advanced Tier. If you do select the one-time payment, you will save some money but there are other advantages if you do want to split the payments across a few months. Secondly, a program such as this pays you back dividends not just for 12 months but an entire lifetime. 

If you don't’ intend to use it, even just $55 dollars would be the most expensive investment you’ll ever make. But if you have plans to use this, your returns are infinite as Face Reading can serve you a lifetime. That initial investment quickly becomes fractional of what you stand to gain.
The Main Source Of All Our Happiness Can Also Be The Source Of All Our Problems
Unless you live on a deserted island, people will very much be part of your life. There is no exception. You will have friends, co-workers, colleagues, bosses or even people that you don’t like. Learning to deal with people is an essential skill to not only survive in this world, but those who excel in it will thrive. 

Face Reading is about creating breakthroughs in your relationships with people. You’ll learn how to read faces and understand how people work, think and behave even without needing to speak to them. It’s easier than you think to predict their emotions and thinking patterns. When you master human relationships, you master your own destiny. 

What would it mean to you if you become better at captivating, persuading and influencing others? How would this move your business or career forward if you understand your customer, clients and even co-workers better? How would it transform your most important and intimate relationships if you could build more trust and understanding from their perspectives? 
See what others have experienced
Sign up now or it'll be too late

Your opportunity to join The Face Reading Academy will be available for only a couple of days. If you wish to enroll, you'll have to take action quickly.

Interested or curious to know what’s in this program? And want to know how it works?
If you think this is for you, don't think twice.
Just click on the button below to reserve a spot, before the offer ends.

Learn Face Reading™ with us so you’ll be enlightened and witness what it can possibly do for you and people around you.

Again, the registration will close its door on 11.59pm GMT+8 on the 1st December 2018, but don’t panic.
If you miss it, we’ll likely reopen registrations in about 12-15 months’ time.

If you’re not ready to step-up today, you can always plan ahead - like a year from now.
The real question and sometimes the most difficult one that you need to ask yourself is…
if not now, then when?
The Clock's Ticking, But You Can Still Make It

Samantha Plovie, Canada

Well, Face Reading has a massive impact. I work with a team on both my businesses, so understanding them and what they need from me helps us work more cohesively because it’s important to know what they need. I consider that win-win both sides, so it’s all about teamwork. When I understand they need something explained a certain way, that’s when I can do. And they also learn me, I teach them about Face Reading, so they know how to work with asap.

Sara Ramakhrishnan, Malaysia

The fact that it’s the easiest to learn because it’s something that you just need to look at someone’s face to actually know and to understand the person more. When you look at someones’s face and there are some time certain features or scars, something that appears on your face, it tells you that these are certain problems that may come into your life and that it’s fixable.
As featured on
Just a click away from getting your life transformed
when you join the Face Reading Academy
Choose your enrollment options.
These FREE Videos Will Be Taken Down Once Registration Closes. 
Click The Below Banner To Open A New Window And Rewatch Them Now!
About Joey Yap

Joey is the world’s #1 authority in Feng Shui & Chinese Metaphysics. He’s a bestselling author of 179 books published in 7 different languages with more than 4,500,000 copies sold globally. He speaks to more than 50,000 people at his live events around the world and is featured in CNN, Bloomberg and CNBC. He is also the chief consultant to some of the world’s most iconic developments including Battersea London, Aurora Melbourne and Publika Malaysia.

He founded the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics in 2000, an institution dedicated to the research and academia of Chinese Metaphysics with more than 20,000 graduates and a global following of 1.8 million followers. Today, his programs are delivered in major cities including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Melbourne, Perth, Paris, Florence, Bangkok, Manila, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

In the last 20 years, he has been helping thousands of students and clients from all over the world, embark on their life journeys towards a transformational experience using Feng Shui, BaZi, Yi Jing, Face Reading, Date Selection and Qi Men Dun Jia. He is also the creator of the award-winning programs Grow Rich with BaZi™ and Design Your Destiny™ programs.
Have questions?
Get these questions answered along the way.
Do I need any other Chinese Metaphysics knowledge such as BaZi and Feng Shui to learn Face Reading?
It’s not necessary. But having the knowledge of both BaZi and Feng Shui is a plus.
Will I be able to learn if I can’t read Chinese?
Yes, you can. The modules are conducted in English and the materials provided are also in English. The Chinese phrases are used only to explain the traditional names in Face Reading.
How will Face Reading Coaching calls be conducted?
The Face Reading Coaching calls will be conducted in group sessions by the JY Coaching Team via online platforms such as but not limited to ZOOM, WebEx, and EverWebinar.
Once the Face Reading program is over, do I still have access to the modules?
All students of Face Reading will have lifetime access of all the 10 modules for the Basic and 19 modules for the Advanced Tier Program. It is also subject to the providers and vendors policies and availability.
When can I redeem my Priority Ticket(s) to Face Reading Academy Live?
Priority Ticket(s) to Face Reading Academy Live to be redeemed when event details are released. All students will be notified via email address registered with our Academy only. Please add us to your contact to whitelist us to avoid our invites ending up in Junk Mail, Spam Folder, or Promotion Tab.
What is the payment currency?
All quoted amounts are in United States Dollar (USD). 

What payment methods do you accept? 
You can pay with VISA and MasterCard. PayPal is also accepted. Please reach out to us to request for the PayPal payment link at winning@joeyyapacademy.com

Can I pay using a Debit Card? 
Debit cards are accepted as long as it’s issued by VISA and MasterCard only.

Can I pay at your Malaysia or Singapore Office?
Yes, by appointment only. Please see below for contact number and address.

19-3, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(60) 3 2284 8080

60 Paya Lebar Road, Paya Lebar Square #13-29,
Singapore 409051
(65) 6208 8999

What payment plans do you offer? 
For the BASIC plan, the one-time payment is $497. 
Here are the installment options: 
3 Payments at $182 monthly,
6 Payments at $100 monthly, and
12 Payments at $55 monthly. 

For the ADVANCED TIER  plan, the one-time payment is $1,997. 
Here are the installment options: 
3 Payments at $730 monthly,
6 Payments at $400 monthly, and
12 Payments at $220 monthly. 

What if I do not have a credit card to make the payment online? 
You can either make a telegraphic transfer or walk-in (by appointment) to our offices in Malaysia and Singapore to make the payment. For non-online options, we offer one-time payment only. 

I see additional charges on my Check-Out page, what are they?
These could be Value-Added Tax (VAT) that is charged based on your bank and/or location. VAT may be applicable and imposed by the local authorities to certain EU countries and selected states in the US. 

Can I make payment in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) or Singapore Dollar (SGD)? 
Yes, absolutely! Transactions made in MYR and SGD are only applicable for one-time payments only. Payment can be made via cash, cash deposit, cheque, walk-in credit card charge, or telegraphic transfer. 
Please reach out to get the correct total sum in MYR and/or SGD at winning@joeyyapacademy.com or by calling our offices.

What's the banking details for telegraphic transfer?
Here are the details respectively:

Bank Name: Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Account Name: Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd
Account No: 141760010042096

Singapore & International
Bank Name: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (OCBC)
Account Name: Joey Yap Private Limited
Account No: 6416 9098 7001

What if I change my mind after the purchase?
We'll say it again... Every investment has a risk except for this one. We offer a 100% money-back guarantee within 30 days of purchase. Send us an email at winning@joeyyapacademy.com
Get in touch with Team Joey Yap.
Thank you for watching my video series
I hope you’ve enjoyed the videos. If you want to stay in the loop, do follow my
YouTube channel for more videos and my FB for live updates. May you find your true calling and live passionately.
©2018 Joey Yap Research International. All rights reserved