Joey Yap's

Your personal path of least resistance to wealth


Joey Yap's

Your personal path of least resistance to wealth

No Matter Your Dream, Money is The Fuel That Makes It Come True
What you’re looking for is your personal wealth transformation manual. You know that you’re ready to achieve maximum success in your career or business. You just don’t know how to get there.

Grow Rich with BaZi is designed to reveal your very own unique path to wealth. By delving into your true personality and talents, you’ll be able to come up with truly ground-breaking moves that nobody else can make.

You’ll stand ahead of any competition, motivation will come easily and as the successes stack up, you’ll be on your way to your very own prosperity breakthrough.

Personalized to You. Instantly Actionable. Real Results

Grow Rich with Bazi is not a program about how other people have gotten rich in the past. It's a step-by-step program that'll let you discover your very own, customized path to getting rich in the present.

To become truly rich, you'll need to understand yourself to the core. That's what this program is designed to do by:
  • Revealing your own unique personality, strengths, weaknesses and cycle of luck.
  • Guiding you to form an action plan that'll unlock success in your career and maximum returns for your business and investments.
  • Ensuring you never miss an opportunity again as you become aware of all the resources around you, that you'd never have known otherwise.
  • ​Show you your projected life path- it's so much easier to plan for the future when you know what it is.

Grow Rich with BaZi Modules list


Module 1
Wealth Capacity
One must first understand his or her own capacity to accumulate wealth, before truly being able to become wealthy. Like a piece of art, we want to study not only the color and design, but its shape, dynamics and depth. Wealth is a form of energy in Chinese Metaphysics. We want to know what potential exists within a person. We need to know the difference between ‘making money’ and ‘creating wealth’.
Module 2
Expanding Your Capacity
We often think of profitable career or a successful business venture, when we talk about generating more money or gaining financial edge. For some though, if not done right, generating money can be slow-paced. With BaZi, you will be able to pave your path of least resistance to wealth. This module explains all the ways to expand your capacity and to generate wealth by understanding your BaZi chart.
Module 3
Amplifying Your Value
Price is what you pay, value is what you get. These days, everyone talks about adding value but have very little understanding of what value truly means. This module is all about making you indispensable. Using your BaZi, you learn how to focus on your core values and the most effective way to boost them.

Module 4
Raising Capital
Without money, you will not be able to fast-track your ideas. Capitals are what funds your ideas - they make your dreams come true. But how do you find avenues to raise capital though? This is where your BaZi chart comes in handy. This module will take you on a journey and explain how you may be able to find certain avenues to obtain the funding - turning your dreams into reality.
Module 5
It’s near impossible to realize any dream without resources. Through BaZi, you will understand the various types of resources available - Financial, Intellectual, Human, Connections and Physical. By adopting a clear approach to growing the resources found in your BaZi chart you’ll learn to become resourceful. 

Module 6
Awakening Hidden Talents
We all have our individually unique set of gifts and hidden talents. The lucky ones discover it, while others go through a maddeningly long journey to discover it. Then there are those really unlucky souls that end up never finding it. A definitive tool in learning and awakening these gifts and talents is BaZi. These talents will, in turn, create the passion that will fuel your dreams.
Module 7
People Management
What separates a true master of BaZi from the pack is his or her ability to discern, interpret and to use the Ten Gods. The 10 Gods is highly regarded as the holy grail of all BaZi practitioners and it forms the basis of all advanced applications of BaZi. It is derived from the understanding of the energies of the five elements in both Yin & Yang polarities. 
Module 8
Strategic Alliances
The premise of all study and practices in Chinese Metaphysics revolves around Qi or energy. Synastry has long been one of the most elusive methods of reading and most misunderstood in BaZi. In more generic terms, Synastry is also known as affinity between people. In BaZi specifically, we look at the chemistry between two or more sources of energy and how it affects one another.
BaZi Career Options
Module 9
The questions addressed in this module are - What is the best job for me? What industry should I be in? Which is the field of maximum opportunity? Discover the path as early as possible and lay the grounds to a successful career.
Module 10
To transform our personal calling into great wealth, we need to make investments. While investments always involve an element of risk, that risk is greatly mitigated when you understand your personal path to growth and expansion. Besides that, this module will also reveal the five principle methods of investing to produce wealth, and how your BaZi indicates the method that works best for you.
Module 11
Creating and Managing Change
Change is the only thing that is constant in life. Like it or not, it is inevitable. Though unpreventable, it is definitely manageable. You’ll have the upper hand by being able to read your BaZi, especially when it comes to creating and managing changes. By examining clashes, combos and the changes that occur in the annual and 10 year cycles, you take away the fear of change and know what to expect.
Module 12
Innovation is the final piece of the wealth puzzle. It's the single secret ingredient that'll ensure you are consistently ahead of everyone else and bestow you the unique ability to turn challenges into opportunity. While scheduling innovation may seem as impossible as catching lightning in a bottle, this module will reveal your personal capacity and peak periods for innovation, down to the day.

Proven Results

This program has been recently refined to incorporate over 20 years of our experience. It's a proven program that's already helped thousands achieve their dreams. Now use it to help you attain yours.

Jasper Chan 

Clash is more awesome than you think! This year is 子年, I have my午in month which clashes with my career. Also I have 卯in my luck pillor which is punishment when meeting with 子. I learn grow rich with bazi from Datuk Joey 2 years ago and learn Qimen Advance last year. I started my ecommerce business last year after graduated from my university. 
Things are getting serious here because I dont really like to become an engineer. I started my ecommerce with a leap of faith to help solve the problems in my niche. When I learnt from Datuk about Bazi, I saw that 2020 year with clashes and punishment, they will be change or difficulties in my career. Starting out my business was not easy, lots of stuff to learn ranging from digital marketing, managing suppliers, managing workers and more… I plan out my yearly goal with some 6figured revenue to achieve this year. 
Things started to get crazy after I planned everything out and I reach my yearly 6 figured sales goal in May! That was pretty exciting and I increased my yearly goal to 3x the amount and it reached in August! Qi men, bazi and date selection really help me a lot in terms of making the best decisions, making miracles to happen and achieving goals that I really wanted! Thank you Datuk and will always support you. You are one of my greatest mentor and 贵人in life. 

Edward Ler 

Wow, this course is like a journey through time: from black n white tv time…to colour tv... to 3D movie... n with special effects to come... the anticipation is exciting n exhilarating. Dato Joey has made his presentation so simple n easy to follow with excellent co-relations to the "oceans of wealth". Thank you for sharing with us in this GRWB journey. 

Kathryn Cooper 

Thank you Joey Yap and your team! I've learned so much and you make it so easy to assimilate! I've got 10 charts that丨'm tracking through this series and already have been able to give some of those people, including myself and my husband very valuable information and guidance for focusing our energies to gain the most return. This is a class on wealth, but it also helps people understand theselves better and how to use reach their highest potential by focusing on their greatest strengths and get the help they need to support the weakness. I am mostly impressed and finding Joey's positive and motivating attitude extremely refreshing, in a world that has become increasingly negative and complicated!! So glad I signed up for this class! 
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I have not taught this class for a few years now, but because we’re living in times of uncertainty and facing many challenges, I’m bringing it back. QMA: Crisis Management Edition will be aired as a livestream event over the internet for the next 60 days. It is easy to pick up even if you have basic QiMen knowledge. 

Here's what you’ll learn:
  • ​Navigating the crisis and eliminating all doubt using the art of Qi Men Dun Jia
  • ​Learning battle tactics to gain insights into the challenges ahead and emerge prepared
  • ​Identifying short and long term strategies while determining the next course of action with guidance
  • ​And much, much more…
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