Enrollment will end at
11.59pm (GMT+8) on 13th October 2020

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

We won’t be taking any further enrollments after the countdown hits zero. 


Turn the tides of turmoil into your favour. Supercharge the next 12 months 
into an epic year using the Chinese Art of Date Selection. 

NEVER FEEL LOST AGAIN              |




This game-changing programme and revolutionary planner is designed to get you results. 
Based on The Chinese Art of Date Selection, it also features elements from BaZi, Qi Men Dun Jia 
and Hexagrams that add another dimension of practicality to daily life tasks and lifelong missions.

  • Learn The Power of Date Selection
  • Activating The 1% Rule
  • Always Doing The Right Thing (Actions) At The Right Time
  • ​Knowing What Positive Actions To Take Even During Bad Times
  • ​And much, much more…
What’s Included In Your Life Planning Academy Enrollment

Make Consistent Daily Improvements In All Aspects Of Life.
 Apply Immediately To Your Wealth, Health, Financial, Career, Business or Personal Growth Planning. 


The Power of Date Selection

Each day brings new opportunities... but only to those who can recognise it. Your own energy fluctuates on a daily basis and this can be the catalyst to your success. By matching the correct activity with the day and hour that has the right energy, you can get things done and create improvements. The Life Planning Academy is a programme that helps you to identify these auspicious energies and how you can capitalise on them.

Elaine Soo , Malaysia

Dato Joey has really taught us to simplify a lot of the formulas which probably we wouldn’t be able to unless we had his help, and he made it very practical as well as to right now, what is really important for this era and not what we used to know back then.


Hi Dato Joey Yap, thank you so much for your daily voice calendar updates on telegram. I listen to it everyday. Because of your guidance, I actually closed insurance sales on yesterday's success day at the hour that you mentioned 3pm and back facing North for nobility sector. It's amazing how all these days, sectors and timing bring such a huge impact to our business success if we know how to select and use it. I have been following your teaching since 10 years ago in Adam Khoo's event. I see how my life changes after applying what you have taught me.  I hope I can meet you one day. My gratitude knows no bounds. You are such a great teacher. I couldn't thank you enough, Dato Joey Yap!

Module 1

Me Time


Learn methods to calibrate the best time for thinking and optimising your personal wisdom.

Module 2

The Art of Possibility


Learn to use date selection to make things happen in your career, business and life. 

Module 3

Ferocious Focus


Learn how to create an air-tight plan that helps you stay focused and get the result you want.

Module 4

Healing & Rejuvenation


In this module, discover how to de-stress, rejuvenate from inside out, be confident and learn to trust yourself and others again.

Module  5

Spiritual By Nature


In this module, you’ll learn how to select your “power times” and special directions to be able to successfully manifest a desirable outcome.

Module 6

Wealth By Design


Learn to identify activities that grow your wealth and strategies to get you where you want to be financially.

Module 7

Net Worth Planning


Learn how to strategically plan your time for networking and learn how to bridge the right relationships to increase your net worth.

Module 8

Crisis Planning


Learn how to manoeuvre through crisis and come out strong. Gain the ability to handle and overcome challenges to thrive in times of uncertainty.

Module 9

Days of Thunder


Some days make you lose momentum or energy. In this module, learn  how to avoid these days or turn your chosen dates into great opportunities.

Module 10

The TongShu Planner


This is a complete walkthrough on how you can use the power planner and its additional brand new features.


Unique Only To You. Accomplish More With Less. Focus On What Really Matters.

Your investment includes a 12-month subscription to this revolutionary personal life planner. Based on the Chinese Almanac (also commonly known as the Tong Shu), this gorgeous planner contains distilled information that’s completely reinvented for modern-day applications and practical use.

There are good dates and there are great ones. The TongShu Power Planner takes planning to the next level by personalising the energies of the hour, day, month and year to your personal BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia charts. The TongShu Power Planner has been made easy to understand to get you hooked on planning ahead. This allows you to track your personal success relentlessly. 

Your Personal Transformation Stars

Your Personal BaZi 10 Gods Energy Level

Your QiMen Mobility Direction

Your Planner with the Monthly energies based on BaZi, QiMen & the Hexagrams

The General TongShu Calendar with a breakdown of the days and hours

Please Read This About The TongShu Power Planner

The TongShu Power Planner is a personal planner and calendar, that is similar to a private journal which is uniquely tailored to you. By default, it supports only a single profile creation as it acts as a personal tool. To be clear, you cannot plot multiple planners for different users or create multiple charts, nor do you need to. Unlike the BaZi Plotter or Feng Shui Explorer, this tool is meant to be used as a personal and private planner.   

The system does not currently support multiple profile creation. Should there be a need for more profiles to be created and kept within the system (for spouses or partners), you may write in to submit your request if this feature becomes available. Additional charges per profile or family member may apply.

Access to the TongShu Power Planner is strictly only for students of Life Planning Academy 2020 or paid subscribers. The 12-month subscription will begin on 1st January 2021 and end on 31st December 2021. Your usage of the TongShu Power Planner is subject to your acceptance and compliance with the Terms and Conditions stated therein.


Amplify Results. Supercharge Any Plans.

  • Wealth & Financial Planning
  • Career, Business & Investment Planning
  • Health, Fitness & Wellness Planning
  • ​Spiritual & Personal Growth Planning
  • ​Academic Planning
  • ​Family & Relationships Planning
Stop. Pause. Play.

Stick to the release schedule or binge watch it like Netflix - it’s your choice.
No more cancelling that holiday or work trip you’ve planned just to make it to your lessons. You can pick up where you left off, take notes, and most importantly, have the freedom to decide on your own learning pace.
Access From Any Device At Any Time

 The Life Planning Blueprint programme is delivered in a modular format. You can follow the steps or jump to sections that matter to you the most. It’s designed to be completely accessible from ANY DEVICE that has an internet connection.

Learn Effortlessly At Your Own Pace & Convenience
The knowledge and learning materials are yours to keep for a lifetime. This means you can watch or re-watch them at any time once the modules are released. Plus, if this programme is not in your first language, just hit the pause or rewind button to suit your own pace.

Shirley Chong

"What gets scheduled, gets DONE" All the while I procastinate with a lot of excuses... The reason why I failed to Plan, is the fear of failure! I'm afraid that what I wrote down now (plan), I can't achieve it! It would be so shameful on that... After tonight session, I aware that no matter how, we need to plan it out, of course with the power of date selection method, I'm sure | can achieve it now! Thank you Dato JY and team for all the efforts to share us or 1 should say inspired/woke me up! Thanks!


Thank you very much Dato for your class last night. Really easy to understand, i learnt a lot. This morning I can feel the energy and gets motivated. Your daily telegram voice calendar also guided me for so many months, is a routine for me to listen to it everyday. Really appreciate your effort and your team in making this happen! Thank you very much for teaching us. a very interesting and practical subject to be use in our daily life. I was in your KL seminar earlier this year. I salute your passion and your way to live life to the fullest. A lot of positive energy in you, that also influence us everyday when subscribing to your daily telegram thank you very much!



Thrive 2021

3-day livestream
Happening from 7 – 9 November 2020

Worth USD697

It's not too late to embrace change. No matter how affected you were by the pandemic, there is always the opportunity to get back on your feet and bounce back stronger than ever. 

During the 3-day THRIVE 2021 online event, you'll be given the tools you need to make this happen. Each year, more than 2,000 over attendees from around the world fly in to attend the THRIVE event in person. This year’s going to be different, as you get to participate from the safety of your own home. The THRIVE 2021 online event will give you the optics to not only be aware of the global changing trends, but a blueprint to turn available opportunities into actionable choices.

*If you’re a Thrive 2021 ticket holder, you automatically get upgraded with an additional Thrive Report


Date Selection Fast Track

2-Day Livestream Event Workshop
Happening from 27 – 28 October 2020

Worth USD697

The Date Selection Fast Track introduces the fundamentals of Date Selection in case you are a complete novice with no prior knowledge in Date Selection or Chinese Astrology. The basic fundamentals and terminologies such as the 12 Day Officers will be covered in this module. 

Even if you already have some basic knowledge on Date Selection, revisiting these lessons would reinforce your understanding of the subject. Sometimes when you feel stuck on trying to understand the more advanced modules, you may find your breakthrough when you go back to basics. If you’re a total beginner, it is highly recommended that you go through this programme so that the many concepts of the Art of Date Selection would become more meaningful to you.


Monthly Zoom Dial-Ins x 12

Starts November 2020

Worth USD1,200

These sessions will focus on the energies of the month. Find out what’s coming in the months ahead and how it can affect certain types of people. Discover what you need to watch out for and how you can benefit from the energies available.  

You can watch the modules over and over again, but you may have some things you wish to clarify. You’ll be given access to these calls that will get all your questions answered. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

You don’t have to attend these calls in person. From anywhere in the world, log in and connect with us with your laptop or mobile device. The Joey Yap team will provide these coaching calls after the launch of this programme.


Finish Strong

Online Meeting by Joey Yap

Happening on 15th October 2020

This is where Joey will be sharing the Best & Most powerful dates for the next 90 Days and how you can take advantage of it. It’s all about Finishing This Year Strong.
And If you can’t make it on that day, a replay of the session will be made available to you.


It’s Not About Being Busy. It’s About Using Your Time Efficiently 

The Life Planning Academy is a programme that is designed to give you the unfair advantage of reducing the complexity life throws at us. 

This is NOT a traditional Date Selection programme. With the help of the TongShu Power Planner, gain insights to the daily energies that is personalised to you. Learn how to infuse the positive energies present at a specific time into activity you’re embarking on to increase your chances of success. You will also learn how to make the most of the Bad Days too.

Discover how to identify the techniques you need to know and apply it skillfully to…
• Stay more focused.
• Prioritise like a Pro and be accountable for your own time.
• Increase productivity and accelerate your growth.


There are days, and even periods in the past, I have low energy, and I don't do what I have planned to do. NOW, I know, I have to be inspired, to fill love, and passion, in order to find the energy within me. Thank you Dato and team.


Hi DJY...Thanks for your sharing and teaching for this date selection course. This knowledge and information is so straight forward and can be easily applied right away. I have already applied it and use the 8th Oct which is an open day to have my meeting... I believe there will be a great outcome I can obtain from this.


Dato you are such an inspirational teacher! Each time I see a program like this even though I have taken your courses there is always something new to learn, something to get inspired, I'm proud of what I have accomplished just by taking your Feng Shui, QiMen, BaZi academy courses. There is always great surprises, great information, great ways to apply it, so thanks for your time invested, you help so many of us that there is only one thing to say and that is thank you!
Select A Plan That’s Most Suited
• One-time payment : USD1,997
• 12 Easy Payments : USD220
• 6 Easy Payments : USD400
 • 3 Easy Payments : USD730
  • If you own a Malaysian or Singaporean credit card and would like to use a zero % 12-month installments.
  • If you’d like to walk-in to our offices to make a payment (Please note that we no longer accept cash payment).
  • ​If you are from the EU and want to make payment directly using PayPal or similar services.
For other payment options or customised payment options, please contact us here: askme@joeyyapacademy.com



There Are Only 2 Things That Can Happen




Either way, it’s impossible for you to lose. After trying it out and you can’t quite see how it can benefit you,
 let us know. We will provide a FULL Refund. No hard feelings, and we can still keep in touch.

Have Questions?
Get your questions answered along the way.
Is this too advanced for me?
This programme is structured in a modular form where you start from the basics, building up your foundation in Date Selection and move on to more complex subjects later. That said, we’ve had many students that started out with zero knowledge on Date Selection & Chinese Metaphysics and after the programme, they are able to master the subject and create great results through application.
Does this really work? How fast will I see results?
Definitely. Our students consistently see results within weeks of applying the concepts taught in the programme. You’ve got nothing to lose. If you follow through the programme and stay committed, you will start to notice the transformation in different aspects of your life. 
I’m not proficient in Mandarin Chinese – is that okay? 
That’s absolutely fine! In fact, more than 50% of our students don’t speak or understand the language and have been successful in using these techniques. Many of you are familiar with Guru from our team (some of you…) – he started off as a sceptic. Also, our long-time student, Sally Forrest is a westerner with no background in Chinese culture. Despite this, she has managed to overcome the odds that were stacked against her and mastered Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics, creating her own personal transformations to be the successful businesswoman she is today. 
Money is tight, so why should I invest?
Investing in a PROVEN system is one of the best decisions you can make. You are not just buying the programme, but you’re buying the transformation that comes with this programme. Remember – you don’t need to believe in Date Selection. All you have to do is believe the results that come with it. 
I’m a frequent traveller and will often be in another time zone or country. Will I be able to follow the programme?
Yes, you’ll get LIFETIME access to the modules. You can review and binge-watch to your heart’s content anytime and anywhere – as long as you have an internet connection.
I’m not sure if I’m going to be good at this
Don’t worry. We all start somewhere, and we don’t need to be excellent at it immediately. That’s exactly what the 12-monthly Zoom call-ins are for. Our team of coaches are here to walk with you through this journey. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the programme, you can always reach out to us.
Is there a refund policy on the programme?
Yes, every investment has a risk except for this one. We offer a Free-Look Policy within 30 days of purchase. Just drop us an email at askme@joeyyapacademy.com
How much time will this take? I’m a busy person.
The modules are released every week, and it’s approximately 45 mins to an hour long. No matter how busy you are, all you need to do is to commit to an hour a week and apply what you’ve learnt into your daily life. 
Can I wait & enroll next year?
#NOFOMO! If you really can’t afford it or not ready to commit, you can always join us in the next intake in December (without the limited bonuses). But the real question is – can you really afford to wait a few more months? Things are going to get more challenging from here-on, and this programme is designed to help you weather the storm. 
What payment methods do you accept? 
You can pay with all major credit cards including VISA, MasterCard, and Amex.
What if I do not have a credit card to make payment online?
a) You can either make a telegraphic transfer to:
Bank Name: Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Account Name: Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd
Account No: 141760010042096
Singapore & International 
Bank Name: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited
Account Name: Joey Yap Private Limited
Account No: 6416 9098 7001
Swift Code: OCBCSGSG

**Then drop us an email with your payment proof at: askme@joeyyapacademy.com

b) walk-in (by appointment) to our offices in Malaysia to make credit card  payment only *cash not accepted. 
For non-online options, we offer one-time payment only.
19-3, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City,
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(60) 3 2284 8080
I see additional charges on my check-out page. What are they?
These could be Value-Added Tax (VAT) that is charged based on your bank and/or location. VAT may be applicable and imposed by the local authorities to certain EU countries and selected states in the US.
These FREE Videos Will Be Taken Down Once Registration Closes. 
Click The Banner Below To Open A New Window And Rewatch Them Now!
Is there something that we didn’t cover? 
Or are you facing some technical issues?

Reach out to us on any of these platforms:

About Joey Yap
Joey is the world’s #1 authority in Date Selection & Chinese Metaphysics. He’s a bestselling author of 183 books published in 7 different languages with more than 4,500,000 copies sold globally. He speaks to more than 80,000 people at his live events around the world and has been featured in CNN, Bloomberg and CNBC. His approach to classical Chinese Metaphysics bring new life to the ancient art as the applications he practices are adapted to modern challenges.
Date Selection has long been considered to be an art that is shrouded in mystery and remained a close-guarded secret. Through Dato Joey Yap's efforts, however, he has revolutionized the industry by reinterpreting classical application and theories so that it became more accessible and practical to the masses. Throughout his 23 years in this field, the results speak for themselves as thousands of students and clients from around the globe have transformed their lives for the better using Date Selection.

Over the span of two decades, his teachings and discoveries have become the forefront in advancing the art of Chinese Metaphysics and inspire thousands of people to discover this subject. The latest accomplishment under his belt is pulling an impressive amount of 32,000 students from 32 countries for his annual Feng Shui & Astrology live event, officially making it the biggest Chinese Metaphysics event in the world.
About Joey Yap

Joey is the world’s #1 authority in Date Selection & Chinese Metaphysics. He’s a bestselling author of 183 books published in 7 different languages with more than 4,500,000 copies sold globally. He speaks to more than 80,000 people at his live events around the world and has been featured in CNN, Bloomberg and CNBC. His approach to classical Chinese Metaphysics bring new life to the ancient art as the applications he practices are adapted to modern challenges.
Date Selection has long been considered to be an art that is shrouded in mystery and remained a close-guarded secret. Through Dato Joey Yap's efforts, however, he has revolutionized the industry by reinterpreting classical application and theories so that it became more accessible and practical to the masses. Throughout his 23 years in this field, the results speak for themselves as thousands of students and clients from around the globe have transformed their lives for the better using Date Selection.
Over the span of two decades, his teachings and discoveries have become the forefront in advancing the art of Chinese Metaphysics and inspire thousands of people to discover this subject. The latest accomplishment under his belt is pulling an impressive amount of 32,000 students from 32 countries for his annual Feng Shui & Astrology live event, officially making it the biggest Chinese Metaphysics event in the world.
© Copyright 2020 Joey Yap Private Limited.