Alumni of Joey Yap’s Life Planning Academy

There are 2 ways to move forward:
One-time payment
  • Flexi Payment Plans:
    12 Monthly Payments of USD 45

  • What’s Included:
  • TongShu Power Planner
    (12 months subscription) valued at USD 497
  • You’ll still have access to the LPA in your student dashboard
One-time payment
  • Flexi Payment Plans:
    3 Payments of USD 730
    6 Payments of USD 400
    12 Payments of USD 220
  • What’s Included:
  • Everything from Plan A
  • Divine Timing Date Selection Masterclass valued at
    USD 2,000
  • The TongShu Master valued at USD 2,000
  • Divine Timing Date Selection Explorer
    (12-Month Subscription) valued at USD 2,000
  • TongShu Power Planner
    (12 months subscription) valued at USD 497
  • Total value of USD 6,497


Plan A is pretty straight forward.
Here’s more information about what’s in Plan B.



This is the most advanced level when it comes to Date Selection. 
The Divine Timing Date Selection Masterclass is available as a standalone (without any of the bonuses bundled here) for USD 2,000.

When you choose Plan B, you’ll also get the 12-month software subscription to Divine Timing Date Selection Explorer which also retails for USD 2,000



The TongShu Master is a modular online program that comes with a lifetime access

This means you can keep the program forever after it’s released. This program will be made available to the general public for 
USD 2,000 but you’ll get it for FREE when you sign up for Plan B



Divine Timing Date Selection Explorer 
retails for USD 2,000. 



*First 30 only with One-Time Payment Plan

We weren’t planning to include this EXTRA LIMITED BONUS because we just didn’t have any more copies of these (all sold out). BUT, we’re making special concessions to include a free Pro TongShu Masters’ Edition for the first 30.

Super important:
Producing these copies take time, but we’ve worked out something with our vendors. Although the calendar year in these Pro TongShu  Masters’ Edition starts from 1st January 2024, you will only be able to receive them earliest by 31st January 2024 or no later than 28th February 2024.

Please, only proceed to choose Plan B One-Time Payment if you acknowledge and agree to this.

In case you are wondering, this Masters’ Edition version is different from those before as it contains a plethora of additional information not found in the commercial versions. Before it was sold out, you could order a copy for USD 497, but now you’ll get it FREE when you choose Plan B.


  • If I’m not an Alumni, can I enroll in Plan A or B?
    No, it’s not allowed. We’ll verify a final time before access is granted. If your details are not in the alumni list, you will be refunded and removed automatically.
  • What happens to my TongShu Power Planner if I don’t renew in time?
    Your access will be lapse and you won’t be able to reactivate it until the next intake, at least 12 months later.
  • ​Which is the cheapest payment method and without any additional charges?
    The one-time payment options will always be the ‘most savings’ option.
  • ​Will I still have access to LPA in my student dashboard even if I don’t renew?
  • ​Can I share my account and access to the software?
    If the system detects any abuse or unfair usages, your access will be revoked. Each account has a built-in function for you to create additional profiles for spouses or people living in your household.
  • ​Will there be any replays?
    You don’t need any replays for the TongShu Master and Divine Timing Date Selection because you get lifetime access to the modules. It will be there forever in your student dashboard.
  • When does the Divine Timing Date Selection Explorer subscription begins?
    Within 5 working days after enrollment close.
  • ​When will the PRO TONGSHU MASTERS’ EDITION arrive if I qualify as the First 30?
    Earliest by 31st January 2024, latest by 28th February 2024.
Something we didn’t cover? Write to us at askme@joeyyapacademy.com
We’re expecting high email traffic. Give us some time, we’ll definitely get to your emails.
©2023 Joey Yap Research International. All rights reserved

Do you already own a ticket?

If you want to upgrade to the VIP package with all the additional bonuses,
please email Ms. Olivia Low at olivia@joeyyap.com or WhatsApp: +6012 3708 051

I have not taught this class for a few years now, but because we’re living in times of uncertainty and facing many challenges, I’m bringing it back. QMA: Crisis Management Edition will be aired as a livestream event over the internet for the next 60 days. It is easy to pick up even if you have basic QiMen knowledge. 

Here's what you’ll learn:
  • ​Navigating the crisis and eliminating all doubt using the art of Qi Men Dun Jia
  • ​Learning battle tactics to gain insights into the challenges ahead and emerge prepared
  • ​Identifying short and long term strategies while determining the next course of action with guidance
  • ​And much, much more…
Ready to register?
Scroll Down

Replay Is Available

If you miss the LIVE session, a replay will be made available to you for a limited time within 30 days of the event. 
For security reasons, the replays will be locked in to a single IP login and will be playable for a single session.

Watch this video to find more on QiMen application