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Step Into Your Purpose
Turn It Into Absolute Power
A business seminar for ambitious young adults eager to integrate Chinese Metaphysics into their success strategies without compromising on what truly matters. Featuring topics on next generation business dynamics and how to master them with timeless wisdom.
10AM to 5PM | 28, 29 & 30 June 2024
Nexus Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

9 out of 10

of businesses today will go online


of global employment is exposed to AI, with both job replacement and complementation expected


increase in demand for upskilling and training industry in the next 3 years

Are we the

For anyone alive and been around for more than 17 years, we have come under a barrage of economic and environmental upheavals: recessions, the global pandemic, devastating natural disasters, and soaring housing costs. These relentless challenges have led some to label us the “unluckiest generation.”
But is that really true?
The job market is bracing for impact as AI technology threatens to reshape or eliminate up to 300 million jobs, according to Goldman Sachs. Meanwhile, soaring living costs against stagnant wages push many towards financial precarity. Our outdated education systems struggle to keep pace, leaving many unprepared for a world where digital prowess is paramount.

In today’s landscape, attention is a form of currency more valuable than ever before. For Millennials navigating these turbulent times, focusing on where they direct their attention—particularly in the digital realm—could be their most strategic move. Digital marketing and online business models are among the most resilient and lucrative today. Earning potential seems higher than ever, but the real challenge lies in sustainability and strategic choice..
The question then becomes:
How do you sustain a business in such a volatile environment?
And more critically, how do you decide which opportunities are worth your limited resources—money, energy, and most importantly, time? Success now demands more than just innovative ideas; it requires a keen sense of what will truly capture and hold consumer attention, a thorough understanding of market dynamics, and an agile approach to business management.


Dato you are such an inspirational teacher! Each time I see a program like this even though I have taken your courses there is always something new to learn, something to get inspired, I'm proud of what I have accomplished just by taking your Feng Shui, QiMen, BaZi academy courses. There is always great surprises, great information, great ways to apply it, so thanks for your time invested, you help so many of us that there is only one thing to say and that is thank you!
  • Strategic Decision-Making
  • Learn how to apply principles of Chinese Metaphysics to make informed decisions that align with your long-term goals. This includes understanding how to navigate challenges and opportunities with greater foresight and precision.
  • Networking with Intention
  • Gain insights into building and sustaining professional relationships that can propel your career forward. Learn techniques for engaging with influencers and leaders in a way that is authentic and beneficial to both parties.
  • Leveraging Personal Strengths
  • Discover how to identify and use your unique strengths for career advancement. Using Chinese Metaphysics, we'll explore how your personal energy can be optimized for success in various business environments.
  • Mastering Business Dynamics
  • Delve into modern business strategies through the lens of next-generation leaders. This includes understanding digital transformation, sustainability in business, and how to innovate within your industry.
  • Sustainable Success
  • Learn how to achieve success without compromising your values or well-being. This includes balancing ambition with mindfulness, ensuring that your pursuit of success is sustainable and fulfilling.
  • Actionable Insights
  • Each session is designed to provide you with actionable insights that you can apply immediately. This isn't just theoretical knowledge; it's practical wisdom that you can use to see tangible improvements in your personal and professional life.
  • Easy To Follow Frameworks
  • Through over 30 years of research and teaching, we’ve designed some of the easiest and most effective frameworks you can learn and adopt instantly. No need for any guesswork, just follow the steps and see results. We’ve included one of the key frameworks that we’ll be covering below:
The 4-Step Framework to turn Influence into Impact.

Elaine Soo

Dato Joey has really taught us to simplify a lot of the formulas which probably we wouldn’t be able to unless we had his help, and he made it very practical as well as to right now, what is really important for this era and not what we used to know back then.
Let's face it, knowing your goals and the steps to reach them isn't always enough. The path to success is long, and frankly, it’s riddled with pitfalls that are not just obstacles, but genuine threats. Over the past three decades, my experience in consulting and coaching has uncovered a fascinating pattern: there are three specific, invisible barriers that consistently trip up even the most prepared and skilled among us. Most people never even see these barriers until it's too late. 

At the NEXTGEN event, learn to identify and conquer these hidden foes, and you do more than just walk your path—you charge down it, reclaiming your destiny with eyes wide open and a clear direction forward.

Nick Kit

Dato's teaching has made me open up a whole new perspective on how to read a BaZi chart. His teaching is simple yet to the point. It has gave me more to believe in myself, have more faith and courage. Don't follow the flow, but to follow our dreams.
  • Coaches, consultants, and experts aiming to amplify their impact.
  • Small business owners and entrepreneurs seeking to carve out a competitive edge.
  • Individuals with a powerful message, looking to transform it into a profitable venture.
  • ​Those exploring side gigs to enhance financial security without jeopardizing their primary income.
  • ​Early career professionals eager to accelerate their path or seeking clarity on their career direction.


This isn’t your everyday Chinese Metaphysics training. While the fundamental frameworks are based on BaZi, Feng Shui and QiMen - the approach used is application centric and made for laymen (not practitioners). By design, the priority was to create a seminar that’s practical for our intended audience, and not people who seek to become practitioners of Chinese Metaphysics.

If you happen to be one who wants to deepen technical knowledge on subjects such as Feng Shui, BaZi or Qi Men Dun Jia, please ask us for other recommended programs or events instead. 
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Imagine uncovering the secrets of our Universe and applying them to our modern lives—this is the quest that Joey, a luminary in Chinese Metaphysics, has undertaken. His journey, driven by a profound connection to BaZi and Chinese Metaphysics, led him to author 191 influential books and establish the foremost academy in the field. Renowned for his ground-breaking methodologies, Joey's approach to teaching melds tradition with innovation, making complex concepts accessible to all.

He has pioneered research & development, and revolutionized the entire industry with his unique teaching methodologies and easily understandable frameworks. Joey's dynamic presence extends across digital platforms, with over 3.5 million YouTube subscribers and 6.2 million social media followers, underscoring the transformative power of his teachings.

Beyond the numbers, Joey's annual seminars—drawing crowds of 24,000—along with features on CNN, Bloomberg, and the BBC, highlight his unwavering commitment to sharing knowledge. 
Copyright  © 2024 Joey Yap Private Limited. All rights reserved