An Exclusive Invitation To Alumni Of Feng Shui Academy


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Hey tribe,

It feels like just yesterday we embarked on this journey together. Some of you have placed your faith in us as far back as 2015. Thank you for venturing forth, compass in hand, courage in heart. You, our alumni, aren't just part of our history, you're the heart and soul of it.

Before I jump into what’s new or what’s next, I want to lay it all out at the very start right here. This year, will be the LAST YEAR we will be having an Alumni Offer such as this. All will be revealed in the video, and as you scroll down this page.

And now, I’d like to extend a personal invitation for you to step into the Grandest Chapter of Feng Shui Academy. Here’s a quick summary of what this next chapter is about
  • Access to Premium & Cutting-edge Members Only Content  
  • Complimentary Subscription to the Feng Shui Explorer 
  • Exclusive Invites & Increased Engagement Opportunities 
  • ​Extensive Coverage of Popular and Emerging Feng Shui Topics
  • ​Unbeatable Value & Unmatched Resources 
Ready to learn everything about the Pioneer Privileges for Feng Shui Academy Membership?

Scroll on down.

- Joey Yap


We Call It Pioneer Privileges. But You Have To Claim It.

  • You have an ALUMNI DISCOUNT VOUCHER of USD 1,000
  • Payment plans are now more flexible than ever starting from as low as USD30
  • ​And 10 great reasons why you should join us (we'll show you below)

Deadline To Claim Your Privileges: 11.59PM (GMT +8) , 23 JUNE 2023


Here’s Everything You’re Getting In The Pioneer Privileges Package for Feng Shui Academy Membership

Premium Membership Only Content

The 12 Premium Membership Only Content (PMOC) are scheduled every first week of the month. New content will be released monthly throughout your membership. These content pieces or sessions would include Anchor Trainings, Livestream Meetings, Q&As, Online Activities, Access To Special Recorded Trainings, Deep Dive sessions, Case Studies, and much, much more.

All sessions are virtual, so there’s no need for travel or accommodation costs and arrangements. Replays or recordings of all sessions will be made available in the members area and are accessible as long as you have an active membership.

To learn more about this new feature in the membership,CLICK HERE
12 New Content or Sessions Per Year

Feng Shui Explorer

The Feng Shui Explorer is one of the marvels and cornerstone of the Feng Shui Academy. Its phenomenal strength lies in its ability to remove one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to both learning and using Feng Shui – getting the right charts and interpreting the correct information with absolute confidence.
Its beautiful designs and intuitive features ensure that its users stay focused on the outcome, rather than just the process of plotting charts. The software is frequently updated and through its many iterations, have now grown into a robust ‘can’t leave home without it’ tool.

For everyone else, the Software will be re-locked. But you’ll get a 12-month unrestricted access to the Feng Shui Explorer. It’s one of our best and most indispensable tools ever created and used by even the top professionals around the world. .

To view more details of the Feng Shui Explorer, CLICK HERE
Annual Subscription

The 8 Mansions Masterclass 

This is a brand-new and soon-to-be-released program that thoroughly explores the true power of The 8 Mansions system.

Understanding the 8 Mansions system of Feng Shui is akin to understanding a revolutionary, and yet time-honoured, blueprint for structuring the spaces around us in the most optimal way. This ancient practice, rooted deep in Chinese metaphysics lead to significant personal enhancements.

However, the true novelty of the 8 Mansions system isn't just the arrangement of space. It lies in its unique user-specific application and high-impact personalized solutions.

This masterclass will be released to the general public for USD 1,997 later this year, but you’ll get it as part of your membership.

To learn more about this masterclass, CLICK HERE
Online Program
To be released in Q4

Feng Shui Academy Livestream

The pinnacle of Feng Shui Academy, is the 3-day livestream event. It’s where you’ll take your learning to a whole new level by cementing your proficiency, understanding and thoroughness of the subject.

The event is held once a year and will introduce broader applications and new dimensions that are only attainable through live interaction that such an event creates. On occasion, specialist and panel of experts will also speak at this event, bringing new ideas and experiences to the table.

Your membership will include a priority ticket to this event. Don’t worry if you can’t make the dates to the livestream itself, because we’ll be providing replays for all our members.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the event.
One Priority Ticket
27 - 29 November 2023
7-Day Replays Will Be Provided

The Irrefutable Laws Of Period 9

The Irrefutable Laws of Period 9 - an experience that once came with a price tag of USD 4,500, now available at your convenience. This transformative event offers a deep dive into the potent shift of energy known as Period 9, an epoch of great significance in Feng Shui and the broader realm of universal energy dynamics.

This is a FULL Period-9 event where you gain access to a comprehensive discussion covering a multitude of areas from health and emergent opportunities to trending skills and strategies. This is not just a theoretical exploration; it's a practical toolkit designed to prepare you to successfully navigate and leverage the shifts associated with Period 9.

To learn more about this 3-day event recording, CLICK HERE
Recording Of The
3-Day Event
More Than 10 Hours Of Footage

The Five Ghost Carry Treasure Technique

Within the intricate world of Feng Shui, there exists a distinct, advanced methodology known as the "5 Ghost Carry Treasure". This is not a technique you'd find in typical literature; it's a well-guarded knowledge, preserved and transmitted among a select few skilled Feng Shui masters.

Due to its potency and complexity, this technique is not readily taught or easily obtainable. It’s a part of the Feng Shui Academy For Professionals series, a standalone deep-dive, and it’s included for Alumni when you join the membership.

To learn more about this 3-Part series program, CLICK HERE
3-Part Series
Q4 Release

Real Estate Investing With Feng Shui:
The 7 Instant Do Not Buy Signals

This workshop distils Feng Shui wisdom into a powerful, modern and practical tool specifically designed for real estate investors. Navigate the complex real estate landscape with ease and speed, saving precious time and effort by identifying deal-breakers upfront.

We examine the intricate harmony between profitable real estate investment and the principles of Feng Shui arming with valuable insights into key Feng Shui aspects such as property entrance, water elements, surrounding structures, land and building shape, road and pathways, interior layout, and energetic cleanliness of a property.

From the flow of Qi at the entrance to the energetic cleanliness of the building, Feng Shui's nuanced principles can make or break a real estate investment. This isn't just a guide, it's a cheat code. 

To view more details of The 7 Instant Do Not Buy Signals, CLICK HERE
Limited Bonus For The First 50 Sign Ups Only
Virtual Workshop
Q3 Release
Recordings Will Be Provided

Priming For Period 9

Period 9 is one of the hottest trending topics in the world of Feng Shui, and perhaps the most misinterpreted and misunderstood subjects.

Priming For Period 9 aims to clarify and summarize the most important points about what every new Feng Shui learner should know.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the live meeting. The recordings will be uploaded to your student dashboards. 

To view more details of Priming For Period 9, CLICK HERE
Enroll Before 11.59pm on 23rd June 2023 To Qualify
Zoom Meeting on 24th June 2023
Recordings Will Be Provided

Pioneer’s Swag

This isn’t just a cool T-shirt. It’s your badge of honour. Cement your place as the pioneers of Feng Shui Academy and founding members of our community. It’s a once-an-evolution limited edition. Don’t miss it.

To checkout the Pioneer Swag. CLICK HERE

Limited Edition

The Feng Shui Starter Kit

This is the perfect kit for all beginners and enthusiast alike. The kit includes the new and much sought after Period 9 Compliant Mini Feng Shui Compass. To complement your compass, a Companion Booklet as well as a Standalone Online Training for the kit will be included.

And there's more - this kit uniquely provides specially designed templates for the 8 Houses, crafted to seamlessly integrate with the contents of your Starter Kit. Each component is curated with care, ensuring you have everything you need to embark on your Feng Shui journey. 

To view more details of The Feng Shui Starter Kit, CLICK HERE
Limited Bonus For The First 50 Sign Ups Only

We Told You The Value Would Be Unbeatable. Here’s How.

Deadline To Claim Your Privileges: 11.59PM (GMT+8), 23 JUNE 2023


You Must Claim Your Pioneer Privileges Including The Alumni Discount Code Before:

11.59PM (GMT+8)  |  23 JUNE 2023


You have to use the code we sent you in your email. The code is unique to you and can only be used once. Please do not share it. Just search: ALUMNI CODE in your inbox, it’s there. Apply the code before you click the checkout page.

If you still need any help, please reach out to the team here: (provide your full name, email that was registered and a contact number). As an added measure and to ensure fairness to our alumni members, we’ll be verifying your membership status after you have enrolled. 

Take A Closer Look Here

Highlight #1

The Core Of The Membership

Highlight #2

Premium Membership Only Content


Included In Your Membership

Your membership is more than just access—it's an ongoing learning journey.
  • ​​New content or sessions are released in the first week of each month.
  • ​Each month unlocks new, insightful, and specially curated content.
  • ​Resources include Anchor Trainings, Livestream Meetings, Q&As, Online Activities.
  • ​You'll gain exclusive access to Recorded Trainings and Deep Dive sessions.
  • ​We offer instructive Case Studies that translate theory into real-world application.
  • ​The learning experience is entirely virtual, eliminating the need for travel or accommodation.
  • ​Access is possible regardless of geographical location; knowledge is at your fingertips.
  • ​All sessions are recorded and stored in the member's area for easy access.
  • ​Your access to recorded sessions remains as long as your membership is active.
  • ​You'll get a continuous Feng Shui masterclass, tailored for your convenience and success.
  • ​Some sessions may feature other subject experts or invited panellists for a well-rounded learning experience.

Highlight #3

The Feng Shui Explorer™


Included In Your Membership

The Feng Shui Explorer is your personal guide to the world of Feng Shui. Unravel the secrets of Feng Shui like a pro with this user-friendly software. No jargon, no fuss – just straightforward insights to help you align your spaces for better luck and prosperity. It's like having a personal Feng Shui expert, right at your fingertips. Simple to use, yet incredibly powerful.

Here are some of the amazing features of the Feng Shui Explorer
  • Your Personal Feng Shui Element:
    Gain deep insight into your personal Feng Shui element, revealing your Natal Chart and highlighting your Favourable and Unfavourable Sectors. This unique tool also generates your Personalized Feng Shui Destiny Chart, giving you a roadmap to harness your element’s strengths and minimize its weaknesses.
  • Your 360View Chart – The 24 Mountains:
    Discover your Personal Feng Shui Energy, and learn about your 8 Mansion sector. Get ahead of the curve with detailed predictions, including Annual Afflictions, Auspicious Sectors, and Personal Sectors. Plus, find out the optimal Feng Shui Door Sector for the coming year.
  • Your House's Qi Map - Personalized 24 Mountain Charts:
    Unveil the intricate energy patterns of your home with detailed Flying Star charts for your house, capturing Annual, Monthly, and Natal variations. The map also features Xuan Kong Purple White Script charts, Personalized Deity insights, and Auxiliary Stars.
  • ​Your House's Qi Map:
    Stay updated with 2023's energy shifts with Annual, Monthly, and Daily Flying Star charts. Plus, experience a customized understanding of these energies with a Personalized Flying Star Combo write-up.
  • ​Xuan Kong Purple White Script Chart:
    Gain unique access to the Xuan Kong Purple White Script Chart for 2023, and explore how the annual and monthly energy patterns could impact you.
  • The Dragon Orchestrating Method Chart:
    This advanced feature allows you to harness the power of the 9 Mountain Stars, complete with a detailed write-up for each star.
  • QiMen Feng Shui Chart:
    Travel through time from Period 4 to Period 9 with this comprehensive QiMen Feng Shui Chart, which can help guide your long-term strategic decisions.
  • ​And much, much more…

Highlight #4

The 8 Mansions Masterclass™


Included In Your Membership


  • Comprehensive
    The 8 Mansions system comprehensively maps the energy within a space. This allows for an incredibly detailed and precise analysis of the Qi present in a given location.
  • Individualized Solutions
    This approach uniquely addresses personal life situations, offering tailored solutions.
  • Predictive Power
    Anticipating life trends using your birth data is a cornerstone of the 8 Mansions system.
  • ​Versatility
    8 Mansions can be applied to a wide array of spaces, from small apartments to large estates, and even office buildings. 
  • Timeless
    While certain Feng Shui systems need adjustment based on temporal factors, the 8 Mansions system stands timeless. It's as effective today as it was centuries ago.
  • Outcome Specific
    The system allows the user to focus on specific life areas like wealth, health, relationships, and personal growth.
  • Complements Most Systems
    Works harmoniously with other Feng Shui methods, enhancing their effectiveness.
  • ​Simplicity
    Its straightforward approach allows easy application, making Feng Shui accessible to more people.


The traditional school of thought is that there are always only 4 good sectors while the other 4 being bad. This puts individuals, particularly those living with loved ones, in a difficult situation. Let's assume, for example, you are a husband from the West Group, but your wife, who is also a breadwinner, is pregnant and belongs to the East Group.

In conventional 8 Mansions and what most people are taught, the husband's and wife’s good and bad sectors are the exact opposite. Meaning, your good sector is your wife’s bad one, while her good ones are your bad ones. This poses a serious dilemma – how can one person's gain be justified if it comes at the expense of another's disadvantage or negative impact?

Exactly. Most people facing this conundrum would choose to avoid it, rather than risk further complications. A resolution has never been found. Until now, that is.


We’ve built the program from the ground up. Based on the principles of the traditional approach, but expressed through contemporary means. This ensures the methods are not only more aligned to the classical system, but resonates with the core energies and attributes of The 8 Mansions Stars. 

The results are astonishing. Not only does this resolve the age-old and inherent dilemma of traditional The 8 Mansions system, but this enables the it to be synergized and applied together with other Feng Shui systems. You can now use other Feng Shui systems to complement the 8 Mansions without worry of having conflicts. 

Through years of meticulous research on thousands of hours in field practice, we’ve now organized them into a step-by-step outline. Here are the proposed topics of the new 8 Mansions Masterclass designed to do the above.  


The classics, including 八宅明鏡 Eight Mansions Bright Mirror, 金光斗臨經 Golden Bright Cosmic Classic , 陽宅三要 Yang House Essentials , 皇帝宅經 Yellow Emperor Book of Yang Dwellings to name a few will form the foundations. 

But the real world is not as simple as it was when the system was first penned. During imperial China where this originated, the hierarchy and makeup for a household was very simple and structured. Men held the most important seats, sometimes with multiple concubines with Women holding very little regard. Applying the 8 Mansions was direct since there was only 1 main beneficiary.

Modern households have significantly evolved. It's not only commonplace to have two income earners, but the diversity of cohabiting individuals extends beyond the traditional 'man and woman' dynamic. This includes non-binary individuals and same-sex couples, presenting a challenge to the rigidity of older practices which could not accommodate such configurations due to perceived violations of traditional Yin and Yang principles. The newly revised Masterclass offers an essential reconciliation, ensuring these timeless teachings remain relevant and adaptable to all forms of contemporary living arrangements.


The 8 Mansions Masterclass is slated for a Q4 Release. It will be launched at USD 1,997 to the general public. Your membership will include this soon to-be-released program, FREE OF CHARGE. An active membership account is required.

Please note, the topics we've proposed are not set in stone or final. They are subject to change or refinement as we aim to provide the most enriching and relevant content. In this evolving landscape, flexibility isn't just appreciated - it's essential. We appreciate your understanding on this matter.

Highlight #5

The Livestream Event


Included In Your Membership

As a member, you're getting a priority ticket to the once a year event, Feng Shui Academy Livestream on the 27 to 29 November 2023. This livestream event is a vital component of your Feng Shui Academy experience. It's a chance to connect, learn, and grow alongside a community of like-minded individuals
  • Participate in real time learning through questions, discussions and feedback
  • Panel experts and invited speakers bring fresh perspectives, innovation ideas and firsthand experiences to the table, enriching your knowledge reservoir
  • Tackle topics or perspectives not covered in the regular online program
  • ​Immersive experience that promotes focus and deep learning without the typical day-to-day distractions
  • ​latest updates, trends and cutting-edge information that might not be included in an online modular program
  • ​100% virtual - no travel or accommodation hassles

Highlight #6

The Irrefutable Laws Of Period 9

Recording Of The 3-Day Event With Over 10 Hours Of Footage

Included In Your Membership

Period 9, a critical juncture in the energy spectrum, marks the onset of an era rich in potential, where every individual or business can redefine their path to success. This event will offer you a deep, immersive understanding of this transformation, shedding light on the practical applications of Period 9 in day-to-day life.

From personal well-being and identifying emerging opportunities to adopting new skill sets, anticipating trends, and implementing strategies that ensure success. These insights are more than just knowledge - they provide the tools to navigate and prosper in this changing landscape.

The wisdom unveiled in this event extends to practical, essential aspects that hold the key to personal and business success in this new era. The recording offers you a total immersion in understanding the profound impact of Period 9's irrefutable laws on your life and work.

Highlight #7

Feng Shui Academy Professional Series

Five Ghost Carry Treasure Technique

3-Part Series Online Program

Included In Your Membership

It’s so secretive that we’ll just leave this space blank. 

Highlight #8

Real Estate Investing With Feng Shui

The 7 Instant Do Not Buy Signal


Included In Your Membership

We’ve handpicked seven important Feng Shui factors when investing in real estate: the property entrance's energy flow; wealth-associated water elements; impact of surrounding structures; ideal land and building shapes for smooth Qi flow; influence of roads and pathways on property energy; interior layout's effect on Qi, and the need for energetic cleanliness in properties with negative history.

These are the shortcuts that savvy real estate investors can use to save a lot of time evaluating investment opportunities.

Dates will be announced soon via email. Stay tuned for more updates.

Highlight #9

Priming for Period 9

2pm, 24th June 2023

Included In Your Membership

Understand the impending energy shifts of period 9 and be primed for the emerging dynamics. What trends will shape our future? Period 9 concepts are advanced in nature and are usually available only as part of a standalone course. But you'll get this as a standalone session for FREE when you enroll before 11:59PM on 23rd June 2023
Replays will be uploaded to your student dashboard

Highlight #10

Pioneer Swag

Limited Edition T-Shirt


Included In Your Membership

This one-of-a-kind garment is not just a piece of clothing; it's a badge of honour, a symbol of your pioneering spirit. 

Highlight #11

The Feng Shui Starter Kit


Included In Your Membership

This is a must-have, and we’ve included it in your membership. The kit contains a Period 9 Compliant Mini Compass, paired with a handy companion booklet and training for a well-rounded start. It even includes custom templates for the 8 Houses. 

WE hope to welcome you back to our community. And, to…


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Before 11.59pm (GMT+8) on 23 JUNE 2023
This is the LAST TIME we’ll be having alumni offers. 
See You Inside The Members Area.


To access the replays for the other days, click here or scroll down to the bottom of this page.

I am a complete beginner, is this for me?
Absolutely. The program is designed as a step-by-step for newcomers all the way to the advanced levels.
How long does it take to complete the course?
It depends. The programs are released on a weekly basis and scheduled over 3.5 months. The reason it’s done is so that we can move everyone along a proven track of success, supporting them along the way with live interactions (group coaching calls). This not only helps keep students accountable but help build a community which ultimately benefits students. On the other hand, once the modules have been released you can access them entirely at your own pace.
When do we start?
As soon as enrollment closes. We’ll begin releasing the modules inside your student account and dashboard.
How do I access my modules?
All the modules, downloads, schedules and updates are conveniently located in ONE PLACE – your student dashboard. You’ll get the detailed instructions on setting up and access once you join the program.
Can I share my account with others?
The online modules and software provided will not allow multi-url logins. If it detects that the software is shared by 2 different users (based on location and fair usage), your account will be locked. However, if you’re sharing with someone form the same household it is totally fine. 
Will I be able to learn if I can’t read Chinese?
Yes, you can. The modules are conducted entirely in English and the materials provided are also in English. The Chinese phrases are used only to explain the traditional names in Qi Men Dun Jia.
Do I need any other Chinese Metaphysics knowledge such as BaZi and Feng Shui to learn Qi Men Dun Jia?
It’s not necessary at all. But, having the knowledge of both BaZi and Feng Shui is a plus because they share the same principles and compliment one another.
I’m not a spiritual person and have a problem going into Sage Mode. Can I still use Qi Men Dun Jia?
Of course, you can. Qi Men Dun Jia is about gaining clarity. The truth is, you don’t have to be a spiritual person in order to benefit from this system. Apart from Spiritual QiMen, Qi Men Dun Jia’s applications spans much wider and the software that’s provided actually does all the heavy lifting for you.

You’ll also find that the syllabus has been carefully designed so that you can plug and play in most scenarios of your life. Together with the software at your fingertips and the live group coaching sessions to keep you on track, you’re going to see results sooner than you think. It takes practice and as the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”.
Will I be able to apply this to my business? I’m in a very niche industry.
Yes, particularly the aspect of Qi Men Dun Jia called QiMen Forecasting. It can help you make better decision in your business (or any business for that matter). By having a clearer bigger picture using forecasting, you’ll be able to take the right actions.
Qi Men Dun Jia seems complicated. Is it suitable for newbies like me?
The QiMen Academy is holistic approach for ALL types of learners. Even if have no prior knowledge in any other Chinese Metaphysics systems, you’ll be able to grasp and apply it to your daily life without a hitch.

•Downloadable study materials
•Quick quizzes after each module (if you like a little challenge ;))
•Group Coaching sessions
•And lots more

And the BEST part?
This is a digital online course so, you can watch it anywhere, anytime, on any device with an internet connection.
My Star Level is zero. Can I still use this?
Yes, you can. Whatever your level is, it’s not an issue. Tap into your own direction and practice every day. You will be able to reach Sage Mode in no time.
Can I wait & enroll next year?
#NOFOMO! If you really can’t afford or not ready, you can always join us in the next intake. But the real question is, can you really afford to wait another 20+ months? You know times are going to be more challenging and this program is designed to weather the storm.
If I am a student of QiMen Academy and I have questions on QiMen, who do I speak to?
Asking questions improves learning. In case you meet with problems in application, or maybe you are unsure if you’ve done it correctly, perhaps you just want to reconfirm your findings – The QiMen Coaching calls ensures that all your questions get answered.

The Group Coaching sessions throughout this program are conducted LIVE. You get to interact with the coaches and your fellow Alumni; help each other and learn from one another too!

And if you miss it, fret not, the replay will be uploaded to your account. Watch it when you’re free and when you want a quick refresher, any time.
 If I do not want to use QiMen Explorer, can I still plot the chart?
Yes. The Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium has the information to teach you to plot the chart manually by hand. However, plotting charts traditionally and manually is a time consuming process and the QiMen Explorer saves you the brain damage.
Once the QiMen Academy™ program is over, do I still have access to all the modules?
YES. All students of QiMen Academy™ will have lifetime access of all the modules. It is also subject to the providers and vendors policies and availability.
I've already sign up for QiMen Academy™ (QMA) 2019, so why should I sign up for QMA: Intuitive Intelligence?
If you sign up for QMA: Intuitive Intelligence, you'll receive all the new program and bonuses announced by Joey, plus a fresh 12-month subscription to the New QiMen Explorer software (With full access to Pathfinder and Forecaster features). Furthermore, you get the QMDJ: Art of Winning program for FREE that covers a much broader dimension of Qi Men Dun Jia.
Who is this for?
The QiMen Academy was built with one goal in mind, YOUR SUCCESS. We aim to build a community of like-minded individuals who believe they deserve the BEST; the ‘A’ Players!

It’s perfect for you if...
•You’re just starting out or have an existing business and want the ability to calculate, anticipate and evaluate what’s going to happen next.
•You’re ready to walk the extra mile in your career; wanting to chart your own canvas.
•You want to exercise the power of your mind and manifest your thoughts, desires to actions and RESULTS.
•You want to make quality decisions that impact yours and the lives of your loved ones.
•You’ve got CLEAR and BIG goals
What if you’re still not sure?
There are TWO scenarios that can happen to you:
You follow the steps and put what you've learnt in QiMen Academy to good use. You see massive results and huge positive changes. In that case, we don't need to tell you the value of what you're getting in return.

The second scenario is... You don't do anything at all. Or something more important comes along, and you get distracted. Or if you find that this is NOT your thing. That’s okay, it happens despite all good intentions. Just drop us an email within 30 Days of enrolment. We’ll give you a 100% refund, no questions asked.
What is the payment currency?
All quoted amounts are in United States Dollar (USD).
What payment methods do you accept?
You can pay with all major credit cards including VISA and MasterCard.
Can I pay using a Debit Card?
Debit cards are accepted as long as it’s issued by VISA and MasterCard only.
Can I pay at your Malaysia or Singapore Office?
Malaysia is undergoing FMCO for now. Hence walk-in is only for Singapore, strictly by appointment only. You may contact us via email: , FB Messenger or Whatsapp to set an appointment.
What if I do not have a credit card to make the payment online?
Unfortunately, cash payment is no longer accepted. You can make a telegraphic transfer to:

Bank Name: Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Account Name: Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd
Account No: 141760010042096


Singapore & International
Bank Name: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited(OCBC)
Account Name: Joey Yap Private Limited
Account No: 6416 9098 7001
Swift Code: OCBCSGSG

**Then drop us an email with your payment proof at:
Where are your offices?
19-3 The Boulevard, Mid Valley City, 59200, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone: +603 2284 8080

Co: Joey Yap Pte Ltd (201103119C) Lvl 20, 1 Marina Boulevard, One Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989.
Phone number: +6590288590
Can I make payment in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) or Singapore Dollar (SGD)?
Yes, absolutely! Payment can be made via telegraphic transfer, walk-in credit card charge (SG only), or instalments (applicable for certain bank’s credit card only, SG: OCBC, UOB and MY: HSBC, UOB & CIMB).

Please reach out to get the correct total sum in MYR or SGD at or contact us via FB messenger or Whatsapp.
What if I change my mind after the purchase?
We'll say it again... Every investment has a risk except for this one. We offer a 30-Day Free Looking Policy. Send us an email at  
I see additional charges on my Check-Out page, what are they?
These could be Value-Added Tax (VAT) that is charged based on your bank and/or location. VAT may be applicable and imposed by the local authorities to certain EU countries and selected states in the US.
As featured in
©2023 Joey Yap Private Limited. All rights reserved